Taurus Solar Eclipse 2022
I hope you are excited, because this is exciting! We will have a powerful Solar Eclipse on April 30, 2022 at 10 degrees of Taurus. While a Solar Eclipse is enough to get excited about by itself, transiting Uranus will be conjunct this eclipse and making it particularly powerful astrological event. This is NOT your average Solar Eclipse!
Because Solar Eclipses and transits of Uranus share some important characteristics, they can be considered Kindred Spirits. Let’s explore this powerful combination and their shared point of view one step at a time.
The Intention, Energy and Impact of a Solar Eclipse
Every astrological event, from a transit to a progression to an eclipse, embodies a combination of three dynamics that you experience when they impact your chart and connect with the circumstances in your life.
First, each astrological event has a particular intention for your life. For example, while Venus brings a desire for love, joy and beauty, Jupiter inspires potentials for the future, Neptune calls you to honor the spiritual aspect of life.
Second, each astrological event has a different level of energy it expresses. For example, while Venus expresses her energy gently, Jupiter’s inspirations can be powerful but also easily forgotten, while Neptune can be both very powerful and like a tidal wave that is best not to be ignored.
Third, each astrological event has anywhere from a short-term to mid-term or long-term impact on life. Once again, the impact of Venus will tend to be short-term, say from a few days to a week or so. Jupiter’s impact will tend to mid-term or from a few months to a 12-year Jupiter cycle. Since the most important transits of Neptune occur only once in a lifetime, they definitely have a long-term or even lifetime impact.
In my Life & Transit Review consultation,
we focus on transits that have a mid to long-term impact.
Related to these three dynamics, a Solar Eclipse has the intention to bring a sudden urgency to some aspect of life, with a high level of energy, that seeks to have a mid to long-term impact on life.
When a Solar Eclipse is conjunct or oppose a planet or angle (Ascendant, Midheaven, Descendant or IC), the circumstances you experience will bring its intention, energy and impact to the forefront of your awareness.
Each Solar Eclipse will vary in terms of how it impacts you. Over the course of life, you will likely experience some Solar Eclipses as energizing your life in a supportive manner, others as disrupting the flow of life and some may even be rather neutral.
It is helpful to recognize that eclipses want you to fulfill your dharma or highest potential in life. In the process, they seek to enforce that “what should be in your life, will be”.
When you are on your “Yellow Brick Road” or on-track in life, a Solar Eclipse will energize circumstances that bring sudden change that feels favorable and reminds you both to celebrate and to stay the course.
But if you are off track or “lost in the Poppy Patch” of life, a Solar Eclipse may energize a sudden change in circumstances that will feel unfortunate or disruptive. Those challenging circumstances are trying to tell you that you have lost your way and it is time to get back to the Yellow Brick Road.
As this Solar Eclipse is conjunct transiting Uranus, let’s see what transiting Uranus has been up to and what clues he holds.
Uranus: Change & Authenticity
A Solar Eclipse tends to impact planets within a 5-degree orb or range. Since this Solar Eclipse will take place at 10 degrees of Taurus, the degrees from 5 to 15 degrees Taurus will be impacted. For the past two years, since April 2020, transiting Uranus has been passing through these same degrees, moving back and forth and hitting each degree three times. This means that what Uranus has been impacting over the past two years will be energized by this Solar Eclipse.
If you have important planets or angles between 5 and 15 degrees of Taurus, transiting Uranus has been conjunct those planets. Additionally, transiting Uranus will have opposed 5 to 15 degrees of Scorpio and squared 5 and 15 degrees of Leo and Aquarius.
If you are interested in learning where
the Solar Eclipse and transiting Uranus fall in your chart,
consider a Life & Transit Review.
To explore this further, let’s begin by following the model of intention, energy and impact we explored above specifically for Uranus:
First, the intention of Uranus is to promote change that leads to authenticity.
Second, he expresses his energy very powerfully and suddenly, which means it is important to work with Uranus and not to resist his energy.
Third, powerful Uranus tend to have a long-term impact that can alter the course of one’s life, sometimes dramatically.
If your birth chart has been impacted by transits of Uranus over the past two years, it can be helpful to reflect on circumstances that may have felt like a sense of tingling as if electricity was in the air. That tingling can feel invigorating or unnerving.
If that tingling was a growing desire or even excitement for living life differently, you may have felt a sense of anticipation for a more fulfilling life.
If there some aspect of your life that was no longer satisfied with the same old – same old, then that tingling could feel uncomfortable as you began to explore what you no longer find rewarding, but without knowing what comes next.
If you have been avoiding or resisting the impulse to become more authentic, then some aspects of life began to feel increasingly irritating.
From excitement to irritation to dissatisfaction, if you felt any of these feelings growing over the past two years, these are messages from Uranus urging you to take one important step toward greater authenticity.
Since he does not tip-toe around the zodiac, if Uranus has powerfully impacted your chart, you know who you are! This is especially true if you have had a transit forecast in the past year. If you thought “you told me this last year” during a forecast, the answer is “Yes” and it will evolve further this year! The slow-moving outer planets give us the time and space we need to work with them, if we are willing to accept their invitation.
Taurus and Resistance to Change
The sign of Taurus, along with the signs Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are known as fixed signs. Together, the four fixed signs make up what is called the Axis of Self-Worth. The intention of these four signs is to discover and embrace what is important to you as an individual, as an adult and in the process, to develop a healthy sense of self-confidence and self-worth.
With a healthy sense of self-worth,
you know who you are,
you know what you want and
you know that you are worthy.
At the same time, planets in fixed signs also have a natural tendency or habit to resist change. That tendency to resist change is why these signs are called “fixed”. However, as with any archetype, the sign of Taurus has both a negative and positive expression.
You can recognize the negative expression of Taurus when you feel a stubbornness or resistance when life’s circumstances are telling you that something must change. For example, while you may be inspired by the potential for a change of careers or going back to school, you may feel an unconscious resistance even to exploring the possibilities. You might wonder “How will this turn out?” or “Will my family and friends support me?”
If you have felt the desire for change and greater authenticity, but also felt a hesitation or even out right resistance, you are feeling the natural tension between the fixed nature of Taurus (and the fixed signs) and the combined intention of Uranus and the Solar Eclipse to break free from the comfort zone that is actually holding you back in life.
Another factor is the opposition to Taurus, which is the sign of Scorpio. There can be a tendency to ‘be your own therapist’ in Scorpio and to constantly analyze life, circumstances and situations from the past. Then, to retreat back into the comforts of Taurus.
The negative expression of Taurus resists
embracing change and keeps you stuck in the past.
The astrological sweet spot is to recognize and embrace the positive expression of Taurus.
First, it is helpful to recognize that change can be uncomfortable in the short term but it can also be rewarding in the long run. Meaningful change will feel uncomfortable at some point along the way, but it may be worth dealing with that discomfort in order to have a more rewarding life.
Second, only consider embracing change that promotes a more rewarding and fulfilling life and not simply change for the sake of change. Or, put another way, meaningful internal change versus superficial external change.
Finally, change will be more comfortable when your efforts are patient, persistent and practical. So, if you are considering making an important change in your life, create a plan and know you can move forward one practical and patient step at a time.
The positive expression of Taurus is to embrace
meaningful change in a patient, persistent and practical manner.
Solar Eclipse says “Now!”
April 30, 2022 the Solar Eclipse will take place at 10 degrees of Taurus, which is smack dab in the middle of the degrees transiting Uranus has covered over the past two years. So, the themes that Uranus has inspired between April 2020 and April 2022 will receive a powerful burst of energy from the Solar Eclipse. Put simply, this Solar Eclipse brings a crescendo to the efforts of Uranus over the past two years, particularly for planets in your birth chart between 5 and 15 degrees of Taurus and Scorpio.
It can be helpful to think of a Solar Eclipse and transiting Uranus as Kindred Spirits, as they both share an intention to move forward to what is meaningful and release what is no longer useful. Both a Solar Eclipse and transiting Uranus are future oriented and change oriented. Together, they will energize your life so that what should be in your life, will be.
So how do you embrace these Kindred Spirits? The first step is to take stock of how the past two years. Try to identify any aspect of life that has become less meaningful, boring or even frustrating. Second, turn your awareness to what has been inspiring and how that inspiration might play a role for making your future more rewarding and fulfilling. Third, consider taking the next step, whether it is to take that first introductory on-line course or making the decision that you are ready to make a career change.
Importantly, if you have been inspired by new possibilities in life, you may find the process inspiring and invigorating. Alternatively, if you have found yourself to be hesitant or resistant to change, you may experience sudden events that change the landscape of life for you. By being open to considering new possibilities, you are working with the combined energies of the Solar Eclipse and transiting Uranus.
A key message of this Solar Eclipse can be encapsulated in the word - NOW. This means that the themes that have been looking for your attention are now demanding that you do something about them.
May you move in harmony with the Sun, Moon and stars.