Newsletter Archive - For Newsletters Prior to July 2020
It is our joy to prepare a regular newsletter exploring a variety of astrological topics! The purpose of this newsletter is to inform and it is naturally free of cost!
We are honored to have been recognized three years in a row by Constant Contact for the outstanding connection we make with our community. Below is an archive our our recent newsletters and we hope that you will sign-up for our newsletter.
Newsletter Archive

This newsletter invites you to embrace this retrograde season by having a conversation with the planets: Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter & Venus!
From now until 2022, the chart of the United States will have an important transit: A Pluto Return. This newsletter is the introduction to this topic.
Mars begins his transit of Capricorn and, as Guardian of Boundaries, provides a great time until March 30, 2020 to work on our relationship to boundaries.
Uranus moves direct as we have a powerful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Cancer.
On December 26, 2019, we will have a Solar Eclipse in Capricorn and these degrees of the zodiac have been quite active so you might be feeling this one strongly.
Jupiter enters Capricorn for the next year bringing his healing energy to the sign of Capricorn that has been heavily influenced by transiting Saturn and Pluto.
This New Moon gives us a chance to ask deeper questions and enact lasting change!
We have a transits occuring in early September 2019 that provides and opportunity flex our action hero muscles and bring our inspiration into reality.
This Solar Eclipse at 10 of Cancer might be ready to energize disruption (supportive or challenging) in your world. The chart of the United States will also be impacted.
In this newsletter, we explore the transits of Saturn, Pluto and the South Node who have joined forces in the sign of Capricorn and are making their presence powerfully known.
Jupiter turned retrograde and will travel retrograde for a few months.
Uranus moves into Taurus for the next 8 years and Chiron into Aries.
Learn more about the themes in the chart for the 2018 winter solstice that will influence your world from December 21 until the Spring Equinox.
Time for plenty of self-care as Uranus Retrograde in Aries squares the Lunar Nodes in Capricorn and Cancer.
Pluto leads us to transformation and freedom from fear. He has been retrograde for 7 months and is now direct.
Mars, Saturn and Pluto are all retrograde in Capricorn. They threw a party and we were all required to attend! But, one by one, they will turn direct starting August 27, 2018.
Three eclipses this summer wrapping up on August 12, 2018. Each eclipse sends us a message and whispers meaning into our world.
On the societal level, the key is that the path of Uranus lays beyond the realm of Saturn and its discovery represented an invitation to explore reality beyond what was known for centuries.
On a personal level, Uranus extends an invitation on our ongoing journey to find new ways to move forward as individuals and as a society.
Let's look at the basics of the movement of Uranus into Taurus, the personal impact and then the societal impact and a look back to past transits.
Spring has sprung and life enters a cycle of renewal and we feel renewed by the energy. The chart for the Spring Equinox will energize the next 3 months until the Summer Solstice. We wanted to discuss how this chart will impact the United States specifically and then suggest how it might impact us all as individuals.
In this newsletter, we explore what the concept of retrograde means via two important retrograde movements this month of Jupiter and Mercury. Also, more on the generational transit of Jupiter over Neptune in Scorpio for those born from 1956 to 1970.
The Solar Eclipse on February 15, 2018 occurred in the signs of Leo and Aquarius, reminding us how it important it is to Know Thyself and to Know Thy Kindred Spirits!
The second Full Moon of January will also be a Lunar Eclipse acting as a nice introduction to the energies of the upcoming Solar Eclipse in February. Also, those born from roughly 1956 to mid-1971 are experiencing an important transit of Jupiter to Neptune!
In this newsletter we review the Lunar Eclipse that just occurred and provide an overview of the upcoming Solar Eclipse over the United States.
Each Spring, we cross the threshold from the final degrees of Pisces (an ultimate culmination) and we begin a new 12 month Sun cycle starting in Aries (emergence).
For this Spring Equinox, we are focusing on the balsamic conjunction of the Moon and Saturn in Sagittarius - a time to harvest our emotional maturity!
In this newsletter, we explore Jupiter Retrograde, Venus Retrograde and the Solar Eclipse in Pisces.
The chart for the Winter Solstice will energize the year ahead until the next Winter Solstice in 2017. Making space to reflect on your history through time on the Winter Solstice can lead to wisdom!
Full Moons provide awareness on your unfolding journey. October 2016's Full Moon is all about awareness related to relationships and finding the balance and harmony that Libra seeks.
A Solar Eclipse provides a burst of energy in your chart. The main question being asked by a Solar Eclipse is 'what will you do with this energy'. So, be prepared!

For all of us, the Solar Eclipse in the sign of Cancer energizes our feelings, our sense of security, and our need for belonging.