Lunar Eclipse In Pisces

Lunar Eclipse In Pisces


On September 17, 2024, we have a partial lunar eclipse at 25 degrees of Virgo and Pisces.   Lunar Eclipses can feel like a wind of change that has blown into your life.  Today, we write about the astrological components of this lunar eclipse.

You will see a lot written up about this lunar eclipse and it is important to remember that not every transit that happens in the sky impacts your chart directly. 

For example, if you are always on the lookout for times when Mercury goes retrograde, have you ever noticed that some Mercury retrograde periods are just a lot harder than others.  Those are probably the Mercury Retrograde periods that are directly ‘agitating’ your chart in some way.  Lunar Eclipses are no exception to this.

Moving in Harmony Supports Spiritual Growth

And Character Development Too!

We view moving in harmony with the Sun, Moon and stars means you have access to a toolkit that supports spiritual growth and character development. 

Moving in harmony with this Lunar Eclipse is one of tools in your toolkit and it may help you identify unsupportive karmic habit patterns and begin working toward the development of more supportive habits. 

This Lunar Eclipse has two important components that support one another and bring a special dynamic to this Lunar Eclipse. 

First, with the Sun in Virgo oppose the Moon in Pisces, this Lunar Eclipse is energizing the theme of change that leads to the “Freedom from Limiting Beliefs”.

When we consider the signs of Virgo and Pisces, they often include themes like guilt, inadequacy (never being good enough), low self-esteem, helplessness, shame, perfection and crisis (feeling overwhelmed). 

In many cases, the foundation of these themes was laid in early childhood.  From that foundation, you likely developed strategies to make life as safe and comfortable as possible as a little child could make them. 

Perhaps you tried to make sure that everyone in your world was as happy as possible.  Alternatively, you may have attempted to make yourself invisible by being as quiet as possible in order not to be noticed.  You may have retreated into an imaginary world that you created as a place where you found joy. 

As you employed these strategies again and again over time, they became the unconscious habits we might call your “Survival Kit”.   

As an adult, these unconscious habits will have the tendency to interpret events in the same way you did as a child, an existential crisis.  In reality, most of these events are not really a crisis at all.  This Lunar Eclipse energizes the potential to develop new responses to events and circumstances.

This Lunar Eclipse seeks to get your attention so that you realize you can safely put down your childhood “Survival Kit” and begin to develop a new “Tool Box” to respond to life’s circumstances in more effective ways. 

The core difference between the “Survival Kit” and the “Tool Box” is that the “Survival Kit” is unconscious habits from childhood and the “Tool Box” is the conscious choices of an adult. 

This Lunar Eclipse contains an invitation to say “Wait a minute!  Let me see if there might be a better way to respond to life”. 

When your nervous system unconsciously slips into crisis mode, remember this is a great time to slowly, lovingly and safely begin building your “Tool Box”. 

Here are a few examples of putting down your “Survival Kit” and beginning to work with your “Tool Box” that are connected to the signs of Virgo and Pisces.

If you find yourself overwhelmed and discover you are multi-tasking, think “Survival Kit”. Slow down and identify your current priority and then calmly attend to that one task - think “Tool Box”.  Then in the days that follow, consider how you might simplify your life so that you do not need to multi-task as a way of life.  

If you feel defeated and as if you are never good enough or always guilty, simply pause and remember that you are in the present moment and that you are safe. Then, recall a time when you accomplished something and felt wave of joy in your body to remind yourself you are a wonderful person.  When you recall the positive experiences and accomplishments in your life, whether large or small, you are building your “Tool Box”.

Another key to building your “Tool Box” is to be patient with your progress.  Progress will come over time.  Ending old habits and developing new ones is the hardest work a person can do. It is never as simple as flipping a switch that has immediate results, it will always take time. 

The simple fact of making the effort of beginning to work with your “Tool Box” is a sign of progress.  Taking the first step, even a very small step, can be a very, very big step. 

Second, the chart for this eclipse includes Mars at 7 Cancer squaring the South Node at 7 Libra and the North Node at 7 Aries and brings forward a “Catalyst for Action”. 

So, if you normally experience eclipses by sitting back and waiting for something to happen, then this eclipse demands something different.  Mars is inviting you to be the action hero of your own life.  In order to make this eclipse supportive of the circumstances in your life, you must be prepared to take action.  Don’t make this too big of a challenge. 

Mars simply wants you to say “Yes, I will take the first step”

Since this eclipse will be expressing itself until the end of 2024, allow yourself to reflect on times when you feel overwhelmed or anxious.  Consider if you have been reacting from your “Survival Kit” and how building a “Tool Box” might allow you to respond more successfully.  Then give it a try. As you make progress, your “Tool Box” will become more and more your friend and ally and lead you to “Freedom from Limiting Beliefs”.

May you move in harmony with the Sun, Moon & stars!